Why do I need a GAMSPy Alias?

Consider the following example code:

from gamspy import Container, Set, Parameter
m = Container()
i = j = Set(container=m, name="i", records=range(3))
p = Parameter(container=m, name="p", domain=[i, j])

p[i, j] = 1

You would probably expect that the value for p_{i,j} is equal to one for each combination of (i,j)

>>> p.records
    i  j
    0  0   1
    0  1   1
    0  2   1
    1  0   1
    1  1   1
    1  2   1
    2  0   1
    2  1   1
    2  2   1

Only by declaring j an Alias of i you will get the desired outcome:

from gamspy import Alias, Container, Set, Parameter
m = Container()
i = Set(container=m, name="i", records=range(3))
j = Alias(container=m, name='j', alias_with=i)
p = Parameter(container=m, name="p", domain=[i, j])

p[i, j] = 1
>>> p.records
    i  j
    0  0   1
    1      1
    2      1
    1  0   1
    1      1
    2      1
    2  0   1
    1      1
    2      1