What happens when using input data which results in infeasible or unbounded results?

In GAMS MIRO both the log and the lst file of the current GAMS model run can be displayed. Any information about infeasibilities and unboundness is also visible here. Further checks on infeasibilities and unboundness are not performed. If a model is infeasible (or unbounded) this still leads to a normal completion of the GAMS job (unless you check the model status and trigger an abort based on an unexpected model status). A normal completion of GAMS is interpreted by GAMS MIRO as an error-free run. The view switches to the output section and will show the content of your output symbols (even if they are empty or show the infeasible solution provided by some first phase algorithm). If the GAMS model is aborted for any reason, this will also result in an abort in GAMS MIRO. A corresponding message is displayed in GAMS MIRO and no output is displayed.
Note : You can write an own report / log and integrate it into MIRO which is then visible in the GAMS interaction section. In such a custom report you can also deal with infeasibilities and unboundness.