- GnuplotXYZ (GAMS to GNUPLOT) - Gnuplotxyz.gms allows users to plot data from GAMS runs in GNUPLOT.
- GAMS to Shademap - The GAMS to ShadeMap interface passes regional scores from GAMS programs to ShadeMap.
- GAMS to GAMS - GAMS2GAMS is GAMS utility which facilitates writing of GAMS data to an external ascii file.
- GAMS Memory - This GAMS add-on ranks GAMS items (parameters, variables, equations, sets) from highest to lowest memory occupation.
- GAMS to Powerpoint by Uwe Schneider, Ingo Huck, Delf Neubersch
- The tools allow users to put gnuplot figures and shademap plots obtained from GAMS runs into powerpoint.