Using more than one thread during Model Generation (Execution Phase, not Solver)


Again I seek your knowledge.

I am currently working on a very large problem, which is executed on a
designated simulation server with 4 cores.

I’m using CPLEX on an MIQCP Problem. I have been able to program the
option file such that when solving the problem, that CPLEX makes use
of all the cores using the THREADS option as shown in

The problem however is that when generating the Model (Model file size

1000 MB) GAMS needs about half an hour, and uses only one of the
cores (i.e. one thread at full capacity). I’m talking about the spot
where the process window writes: — Generating MIQCP model Mymodel

Is there a way to have the execution phase of GAMS use multiple cores
(similar to using the THREADS option for the solving part?), and if
yes, what’s the command and syntax?

Kind Regards


Oh, and when I checked the Resourcemonitor,


were both only using a single thread. (and gamscmex.exe was maxing out
the core utilization)
