Using GAMS on MAC

I have installed GAMS on my MacBook Air.

While trying to run my code I got a series of errors all pointing to the GAMS environment.
I have used Excel for input/output of my data and thus use GDX files which I learnt are meant for Windows OS.
What is the work around for the GDX file if I want to use GAMS on my MacBook ? Is there any other way ?

thanks in advance for your help.


Please read the guidelines: Your question is too general: be more specific and attach code that generates the errors.

Thanks Renger for your response.

My problem is as follows:

I have a GAMS code for Economic Despatch of Generation (Power Generation) which is perfectly working on a Windows environment. The input data is placed in an Excel file and I have used GDXXRW function for input and output which creates the “.gdx” files. When I used the same perfectly working code on my MacBook Air, it does not create the GDX files and is unable to read/write the data and hence, getting a series of errors.

Based on above, I have a feeling that this could be an issue related to the Mac OS environment settings. Further, someone also told me that GDX files are not available for the Mac OS environment. I do not know which is true and what is solution in terms of changing either the environment or the code. But I do believe, that even on Mac OS environment there must be a way to read & write from/to MS Excel. I need to learn how to do this.

I am also attaching the code and the data file for your ready reference.

Thanks once again in advance for your help.

POSOCO_Dispatch.log (10.1 KB)
POSOCO_Dispatch.gms (3.14 KB)


You can find an answer to your question right here in the forum. As an alternative you could install Wine/Bottler on your Mac and run Gams as a windows program.
