I like the fold feature in Studio - saves scrolling through lines of code.
I wonder whether it can be enhanced in the next version.
At the moment I can fold ontext, but that only folds to the m=next offtext. I sometimes want to fold a larger chunk of code, but have to do it piecemeal.
I use $subtitle to mark different sections of my coding (and in .inc files) largely because it helps me see where I am in the listing file.
I wonder if there is not a way of folding at subtitle to the next subtitle. That way I could collapse my code into its main components, opening each one as I work on it.
It would be rather like having a modular set of code, but all in one file.
Hi Rob,
Do you already know $onFold / $offFold which allows you to define codes sections that you would like to fold?
I will discuss with the GAMS Studio Team if code folding can also be added for $stitle and keep you posted.
Turns out that the feature you requested is already on the development agenda
Thanks Fred. Of course I can use onfold/offfold in the meantime