Dear GAMS Friend,
I need help to form a multidimensional Matrix by selecting some values from a randomly generated data. or to form the multidimensional table by exactly generating the required value. GAMS code upto some portion is attached.
Sets j product class / J1J2 /
i dipot / I1I2 /
s scenarios / S1S20 /
set ss /11000/;
Parameter sval(ss) “scenario values” ;
sval(ss) = normal(45, 10);
display sval;
*I want to pick 80 values from sval and want to form a multidimensional matrix D(j,i,s) as shown below
table D(j,i,s) demand ;
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 …upto S20
datagen.gms (470 Bytes)