Could you help me with this?
For this sentence:
eq_dias15 … Y(i,j) =G= (15 - 15(1-X(i,j)));*
I have the error 149.
I want to do this equation:
Y_ji≥15-15⋅(1-X_(ij ) ) ∀ⅈ,j
Could you help me with this?
For this sentence:
eq_dias15 … Y(i,j) =G= (15 - 15(1-X(i,j)));*
I have the error 149.
I want to do this equation:
Y_ji≥15-15⋅(1-X_(ij ) ) ∀ⅈ,j
You could start by reading the guidelines for this forum (under “Rules”) and then search for “error 149” in this board… The search will give you 145 results.
Anyway: You have defined your equation as:
eq_dias15 .. Y(i,j) =G= (15 - 15*(1-X(i,j)));
Your equation is not defined over i and j (eq_dias15). In fact, you tell Gams by defining your equation as eq_dias15 that there is only one such equation. You then write the equation over i and j, so Gams gets confused over what to do with i and j. The solution is defining your equation as eq_dias15(i,j).
Thanks a lot Renger !
Sorry for this