Tuning the maximum allowable range of a variable/equation

Hi all,

I’m running a CGE model with the CONOPT solver using NLP. The code is returning this error “An initial function value is too large (larger than 1.0E+10). Scale the variables and/or equations or add bounds.”. I have read in the manuals that this can be solved by tuning the algorithmic option “rtmaxv”, but I have not been able to find how to do that. I have read in other posts that it has something to do with the options file, but that is all the information I have. Does anyone know how to do this?



The usage of solver option files is documented here.
For your case, you could for example do the following:

$onecho > conopt.opt
rtmaxv 1e15
solve myModel min myObjective use NLP;

You might also want to consider providing a better starting point and/or trying conopt4.

I hope this helps!
