Trouble formulating intervals for a interval scheduling problem

Hello Internet!

I’m supposed to implement a standart interval scheduling model into GAMS.
However, i dont have the slightest clue on how exactly to begin on that.

The mathematical formulation is stated as followed:

j= Jobs (1,2,…,n)
S= interval following [s(j),f(j)) with s(j) < f(j)
s= start
f= finish
with one ressource. This ressource can only process one job at a time.

Thank you in advance for you help

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The issue was resolved with the help of my Professor.

for anyone interested, this is how it was solved:
CSLP_Ansatz_F_Friese.gms (2.06 KB)
Eingabedaten_Drexl_Intervalle_v1.gms (2.93 KB)
Have a nice one!