The way to control total solve time

Hi expertise,
In a GAMS file, I have a number of Solve command and the option reslim = 3600 is at the beginning of the program .
Need to be given to each solve statements 1 hour time, But the total solve time should not be more than 1 hour.(That is, the total of the time spent for all Solve’s commands shouldn’t get more than an hour)


For example, if we have three M1, M2, M3 models, and Option Reslim = 3600. And the time to solve the model M1 is 2500, and solve time for model M2 be equal to 1200 seconds, then M3 does not run because 1200 + 2500> 3600.

(That is the total time spent in solve command <=3600s)
Is the order or a way to be able to do this?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Lucas

You could introduce an if condition using the time used from your two models:

parameter totaltime 'Total time used';
model mymodel /all/;
totaltime = mymodel.resusd;

totaltime = totaltime + mymodel.resusd;

if(totaltime < 3600,
    solve mymodel


Hi Renger Thanks a lot!

can I set TimeElapsed<3600?

Just try it out :wink:

Yes! Thanks so much!