I am new with GAMS and i have been trying to write a code for :
productory from i different of b (ps)^f
All the prod examples that i have seen are productory from i.
I have not been able to get it done, does any one knows how to do
If anyone knows please help me.
Thank you,
Luz Carime
i am not sure if i understand you or not , but i think you want to get
the product of a term with subscripts i and b, such that i is not
equal to b.
if this is your problem , you can write the code as follows:
prod((I,b) (ord (i) ne ord(b)), your term(I,b))
If you want to run it such that I is less than b, it will become:
prod((I,b) (ord (i) lt ord(b)), your term(I,b))
i hope it is usefull for you
best regards
On 18 أبريل, 11:39, luz montoya wrote:
I am new with GAMS and i have been trying to write a code for :
productory from i different of b (ps)^f
All the prod examples that i have seen are productory from i.
I have not been able to get it done, does any one knows how to do
If anyone knows please help me.
Thank you,
Luz Carime