The model exceeds the community license limits for linear models of more than 5000 rows or columns

I am using the transport optimization model. It shows that my data has 3,186 rows and 128,905 columns, exceeding the 5000-column limit.

I have a file with distance data from 41 facilities to 3144 counties. Facilities are in the column, and counties are in the row. Gams is counting it as 128,905 column.

I am an academic user. What should I do? Do I need to purchase a license for an unrestricted size limit?

Please help!

You can either go for a paid license or convert your model to GAMSPy model. You can get a free license that allows unlimited model sizes for the latter one.


Thank you Micheal for the suggestions.

I forgot another option: You can use the NEOS server to solve your large models. Studio is well equipped to submit models to and retrieve results from NEOS. Check out the Studio documentation.


Thanks. I have considered all the options. Given the time constraint, I am considering buying the license. For other options I need to code again.

I found out CPLEX, COPT are for linear optimization.

I am considering COPT.

Will it do the work?

You can get an evaluation license from and you can see what solver works best for you or offers the biggest bang for the buck.
