Dear all
I am new in GAMS, after having spent several years working with R and Python, and I still have the disagreeable habit of trying to implement R/Python approaches in GAMS . My apologies for this.
One type of operation that I haven’t found yet in GAMS are string manipulations, such as concatenating string or splitting strings with a known structure.
For example, suppose that I am running a model over a series of scenarios (“BAU”, “HIGHTAX”, “LOWTAX”), regions (“NORTH”, “SOUTH”, “EAST”, “WEST”) and years (“2030”,“2040”,“2050”). I would like the name of my output files to reflect the specific combination of scenario-region-year that I have just run, e.g. “LOWTAX_NORTH_2050”. Is there I way I can automatize this task in GAMS?
I am aware of the fact that I can append content to an existing file with the PUT facility, but this would not be my preferred solution.
Hi Laurent
One way would be a batch file in a command window and the use of control variables.
You would have something like this in your “run.bat” (something you could easily generate with a python or R script)
call gams mymodel --scenario=BAU --regions=NORTH --years=2030
call gams mymodel --scenario=BAU --regions=NORTH --years=2040
In your code you can then use the control variables like this in for example gdxxrw commands
… %scenario%%regions%%years%.xlsx
This would then produce for the first call: BAU_NORTH_2030.xlsx
Dear Renger
I’ll try that one out, thank you.
Is there a way to do this from within the GAMS code itself?
For instance I would like to do something like this (does not work):
t 'time index' /000001*105120/ ;
site_number 'site number' /813715/ ;
s(t) 'solar capacity factor at timepoint t (5-min data)'
$include /path_to_file/Site_%site_number%_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv
/ ;
Where the $include statement was able to find the file: /path_to_file/Site_813715_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv
The reason that I want to do this is that I am trying to convert this GAMS code into a MIRO app and I need to be able to access the scalar site_number from the MIRO app interface.
Thanks -Josh
Hi Josh,
The %site_number% notation is only used for double-dash parameters or compile time variables. These are set at compile time (i.e. before the solve statement). I can highly recommend the corresponding section in the documentation: Compile-time variables are referenced with the %…% notation. %site_number% will be replaced at compile time by its value.
So if you want to access variables in compile time ($include is a compile time command), you can’t use a normal GAMS scalar for this as you did in your example, but the said compile time variable / double-dash parameter instead.
Example: Run the following example with the double-dash parameter –site_number=11. The $log statement then has the following output: /path_to_file/Site_11_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv;.
t 'time index' /000001*105120/ ;
site_number 'site number' /813715/ ;
s(t) 'solar capacity factor at timepoint t (5-min data)'
$log /path_to_file/Site_%site_number%_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv;
Double-dash parameters can also be set from within MIRO:
Hi Josh
You could write it like this:
$setlocal site_number 813715
t 'time index' /000001*105120/ ;
s(t) 'solar capacity factor at timepoint t (5-min data)'
$include /path_to_file/Site_%site_number%_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv
/ ;
You can then run the gams file either like this or as Robin suggested with --site_number 813715.
Hello – thanks for the replies.
I figured it out, if I do the following:
$if not set site_number $set site_number 813715
t time index /000001*105120/
hour_time(t) time index in hours /000001*008760/ ;
s(t) solar capacity factor at timepoint t (5-min data)
$include /path_to_file/Site_%site_number%_SolarPV_Axis1_SolarPV_Lat_order.csv
/ ;
And set up a double-dash parameter named “site_number” in Miro, it will work. Miro just needed a default file to import to the Configuration page, and the “if not set” command let it have it.
Thanks for the help!