Hi there,
I’m trying to solve a bi-level model directly with the EMP GAMS functionality, but I’m getting the following error multiples times in the *.lst file:
“JAMS Equation XXX dual column will be empty. Abort!
*** JAMS Equation XXX contains only variables being part of DualVar mappings”
The model is quite long, but the basic idea is to solve a bi-level problem in which the upper level problem will use some of the dual variables of the lower level problem in the objective. The form is:
min upper_objective =E= f(lower_level_vars,lambda)
subject to {upper_level_constraints}
min lower_objective =E= g(lower_level_vars,upper_level_vars)
{lower_level_constraints} - lambda
I’ve created the emp.info file using the following structure:
$onecho “%emp.info%”
Bilevel upper_objective {upper_level_vars}
MIN lower_objective * {lower_level_constraints}
Dualvar lambda constraint
Any idea of what is going on?
Best regards,
Ángel Paredes.
P.S.: It’s my first topic, but I’ve been following this forum during a couple of years, thanks for all the help.