SHOT solver cannot find CPLEX license


I’m trying to solve a MINLP problem using the SHOT solver, but this message pops up in the GAMSPy solve output:

CPLEX chosen as MIP solver, but no GAMS/CPLEX license available. Changing to CBC.

The MILP formulation of my question was solved easily using CPLEX in GAMSPy, so my license is indeed fully functioning, but when I use SHOT to solve a MINLP formulation of my problem, it cannot find my license and reverts to using CBC, which is magnitudes slower for solving my model.

How do I fix this issue?

This is indeed a bug. Cplex is available when you use the demo license, but with a license from the GAMSPy Academic Program, this currently does not work. We will fix this ASAP and the next version (that comes with GAMS 49.1.0) will have this fixed.
