Saving some iteration log data generated by CPLEX, as a MIP solver, into parameters. Is this possible?

Dear all

I want to record some outputs generated by CPLEX such as the iteration number, objective and the associated time so that I can plot some convergence characteristic, for example objective-iteration number, objective-time and objective-number of nodes.
Have you any idea?

Best regards;


The solve trace option might be what you are looking for:

I hope this helps!


Thank you once again.
But I could not implement the method. Certainly my CPLEX does not include miptrace maybe because of using older version of GAMS, i.e. 24.1.
The provided file in following link also did not helped.
Advanced Use of GAMS Solver Links:

The solver based method could not be found in my CPLEX manual. The “GAMS trace files” was also unclear. Certainly a simple example can help if exists.

Best regards;
