the following model works already, but now I would like to add a restriciton to a variable, and I don’t know how/where to add that restriction.
x_pump(t) should only work in between the range of 0.085 and 0.2. Meaning the pump only runs when x_solar is higher than 0.085 and lower than 0.2.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem? Thanks in advance!
Regards, Martin
t time in hours /t0*t5/;
Parameter solar(t) Solarenergy per hour in kW /
t0 0.05
t1 0.085
t2 0.1
t3 0.3
t4 0.2
t5 0.07/
Scalar ddaily Waterdemand per day in cubic meters /3.5/;
Scalar eta efficiency from solarenergy to pump /0.5/;
Scalar costPV Cost per kW installed capacity in Euro /100/;
Variables x_solar(t);
Variables x_pump(t);
positive variable pumpflow(t)
Free Variable TotalCost,PV_Capacity;
Equations Obj,DailyWaterdemand,WaterFlow,limitSolar,solarsize;
Obj… TotalCost =E= PV_Capacity*costPV;
DailyWaterdemand… ddaily =E= sum(t,pumpFlow(t));
WaterFlow(t)… pumpFlow(t) =E= 5.5586*x_pump(t) + 0.2278;
limitSolar(t)… x_pump(t) =L= x_solar(t);
solarsize(t)… x_solar(t) =E= solar(t)etaPV_Capacity;
Model WaterPump /all/;
Solve WaterPump using lp minimizing TotalCost