I am modelling international coal markets. I want to see how my model changes when i change demand a bit. I currently have the slope and intercept data fro my demand curves (South Asia, Americas, Europe and China all get their own demand curves). Then i want to re run the programme with slightly different data. The demand data has 8 entries and so needs to be entered as two paramters or one table. However, although i can redefine the table using $onMulti, the help page for this option suggests that this redefinition will happen immediately and before any models are run.
I thought about putting the demand data in as scalars but i think it would make the code really messy because i would manually have to rewrite all constraints rather than using sum(n, coefs(n,“intercept”)
Any ideas ppl? maybe i could try $onMulti and just hope it doesnt do what i think it will do or just run the model manually 15 times (but then if i want to change something about the model, ill have to run it another 15 times.) Or maybe rewrite the model equations 15 times in the same file referring to different demand data each time? seems very clunky
Feb 4.gms (16.8 KB)