I am trying to import the following data into my gams model:
material descr
1 001111 cosmone01
2 001112 cosmone02
3 001113 cosmone03
4 001114 cosmone04
5 001115 cosmone05
6 001116 cosmone06
7 001117 cosmone07
8 001118 cosmone08
9 001119 cosmone09
My GAMs code is the following:
set y ‘number’ /
call =sql2gms C="DSN=IngTest" Q="select distinct(dummy) from [sheet1]" O=“U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\test.inc”
$include U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\test.inc
display y;
set f ‘material’ /
call =sql2gms C="DSN=IngTest" Q="select distinct(material) from [sheet1]" O=“U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\material.inc”
$include U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\material.inc
display f;
parameter product(y) /
call =sql2gms C="DSN=IngTest" Q="select dummy, material from [sheet1]" O=“U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\all.inc”
$include U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\all.inc
display product;
parameter ingredient(y) /
call =sql2gms C="DSN=IngTest" Q="select dummy, descr from [sheet1]" O=“U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\descr.inc”
$include U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\descr.inc
display ingredient;
However I get the following error when I try to read the data for the ingredient parameter:
— pfizerV8-2-Int-V01-recurse-excel-calculation-work-in-progress.gms(117) 3 Mb
— .descr.inc(12) 3 Mb 1 Error
*** Error 1 in U:\Desktop\LotSizeGams\descr.inc
Real number expected
Do you have an idea of what I may be doing wrong?
Thank you, Cheers,
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