question about the numeraire


I am a beginner for using MPSGE and am studying it with Tom Rutherford’s users guide. But I am stuck with testing the numeraire impact. I tested with the small open economy model M41, also attached below. When I change the PW.FX=1 to PW.FX=2, I thought the prices for capital and labor should also be doubled. but I don’t see that happening. Could someone help me to explain why?

$TITLE Model M41: Small open economy model. Two goods, two factors.
Production Sectors Consumer
Markets | X1 X2 E1 M2 W CONS

P1 | 150 -50 -100
P2 | 50 50 -100
PL | -100 -20 120
PK | -50 -30 80
PW | 200 -200
PFX | 50 -50

PE2 Export price of good 2,
PM1 Import price of good 1,
PE1 Export price of good 1,
PM2 Import price of good 2,
TM2 Import tariff for god 2;
PE1 = 1;
PM2 = 1;
PE2 = 0.99;
PM1 = 1.01;
TM2 = 0;

X1 ! Production index for good 1
X2 ! Production index good 2
E1 ! Export level of good 1
E2 ! Export level of good 2
M1 ! Import level of good 1
M2 ! Import level of good 2
W ! Welfare index
P1 ! Price index for good 1
P2 ! Price index for good 1
PFX ! Read exchange rate index
PW ! Welfare price index
PL ! Wage index
PK ! Capital rental index
CONS ! Income level for representative agent
$PROD:X1 s:1
O:P1 Q:150
I:PL Q:100
I:PK Q: 50
$PROD:X2 s:1
O:P2 Q:50
I:PL Q:20
I:PK Q:30
O:PFX Q:(50PE1)
I:P1 Q:50
O:P2 Q:50
I:PFX Q:(50
O:PFX Q:(50PE2)
I:P2 Q:50
O:P1 Q:50
I:PFX Q:(50
$PROD:W s:1
O:PW Q:200
I:P1 Q:100
I:P2 Q:100
D:PW Q:200
E:PL Q:120
E:PK Q: 80

$SYSINCLUDE mpsgeset M41
PW.FX = 2;
E2.L = 0;
M1.L = 0;
E1.L = 1;
M2.L = 1;
M41.ITERLIM = 0;

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Hello Hailey!
Try to change line “M41.ITERLIM = 0;” to “M41.ITERLIM = 1;” (in fact you could put any naumber of iterations greater than “0”). In such a way you would increase maximum number of iterations. As long as all initial prices in your model (except PW) equal to “1”, solver needs at least one iteration to find new equilibrium.

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Thanks a lot!

On Thursday, August 23, 2012 8:36:10 AM UTC-4, maxim chepelev wrote:

Hello Hailey!
Try to change line “M41.ITERLIM = 0;” to “M41.ITERLIM = 1;” (in fact you could put any naumber of iterations greater than “0”). In such a way you would increase maximum number of iterations. As long as all initial prices in your model (except PW) equal to “1”, solver needs at least one iteration to find new equilibrium.

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