I am a beginner for using MPSGE and am studying it with Tom Rutherford’s users guide. But I am stuck with testing the numeraire impact. I tested with the small open economy model M41, also attached below. When I change the PW.FX=1 to PW.FX=2, I thought the prices for capital and labor should also be doubled. but I don’t see that happening. Could someone help me to explain why?
$TITLE Model M41: Small open economy model. Two goods, two factors.
Production Sectors Consumer
Markets | X1 X2 E1 M2 W CONS
P1 | 150 -50 -100
P2 | 50 50 -100
PL | -100 -20 120
PK | -50 -30 80
PW | 200 -200
PFX | 50 -50
PE2 Export price of good 2,
PM1 Import price of good 1,
PE1 Export price of good 1,
PM2 Import price of good 2,
TM2 Import tariff for god 2;
PE1 = 1;
PM2 = 1;
PE2 = 0.99;
PM1 = 1.01;
TM2 = 0;
X1 ! Production index for good 1
X2 ! Production index good 2
E1 ! Export level of good 1
E2 ! Export level of good 2
M1 ! Import level of good 1
M2 ! Import level of good 2
W ! Welfare index
P1 ! Price index for good 1
P2 ! Price index for good 1
PFX ! Read exchange rate index
PW ! Welfare price index
PL ! Wage index
PK ! Capital rental index
CONS ! Income level for representative agent
$PROD:X1 s:1
O:P1 Q:150
I:PL Q:100
I:PK Q: 50
$PROD:X2 s:1
O:P2 Q:50
I:PL Q:20
I:PK Q:30
O:PFX Q:(50PE1)
I:P1 Q:50
O:P2 Q:50
O:PFX Q:(50PE2)
I:P2 Q:50
O:P1 Q:50
I:PFX Q:(50PM1)
$PROD:W s:1
O:PW Q:200
I:P1 Q:100
I:P2 Q:100
D:PW Q:200
E:PL Q:120
E:PK Q: 80
$SYSINCLUDE mpsgeset M41
PW.FX = 2;
E2.L = 0;
M1.L = 0;
E1.L = 1;
M2.L = 1;
M41.ITERLIM = 0;
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