Question about ord function and ASCII

Hi Folks,
I tried to use $ifThen ($ifThenR) and ord functions to differentiate the scenarios containing ‘s’.
So I would expect the set fest to only have one element, b. When I run the following code, fest always has two elements a, b.
Please help me figure out what went wrong.

$set Scenarios static
$ifThen (ord('%Scenarios%',1)==ord('s',1))
$set ff '*'
$set ff ''
set fest /
%ff% a
display fest;


You did a ifThen comparing the left and right string (they are obviously different) and hence you always fall into the else part. You probably want to do a ifThenE, but ord() is not part of the functions available at compile time (see So no joy. If you insist on the “starting with s” check you will need to resort to some external feature, e.g. grep:

$set Scenarios static
$call echo %Scenarios% | grep -q "^s"
$ifThen errorlevel 0
$set ff '*'
$set ff ''
set fest /
%ff% a
display fest;

If you form the name of you scenario like a filename and take the first (or last part) as the indicator to include a or not you can do this entirely in GAMS usiing the the setNames command (

$set Scenarios s.static
$setNames %Scenarios% * type sname
$ifThen %type%==s
$set ff '*'
$set ff ''
set fest /
%ff% a
display fest;


Thanks, Michael. Both work just fine. :smiley: