Python API, Jupyter, Solver Log

Dear all,

solving a model instance in Jupyter notebook (v 4.2.3) using debug level 2, I like the solver output to show up in the output cell of the notebook. However, it is redirected to the console (see trn_lp.ipynb, see
Do you have any hints, how to get the solver log into the notebook?

Best regards

PS: Versions: Python 2.7, Windows 10, GAMS 24.8.3
PPS: Notebooks renamed to txt ending (instead of ipynb)


The GamsModelInstance is a high performance class meant for solving an instance of a GAMS model multiple times (with different data). Currently it is not possible to direct the (debug) output to Jupyter. We will have a look at the implementation details to see if we can make this work.


OK. Thanks for the quick reply!

Best Jan