Projects from GAMS IDE to Studio?

How to I move an entire GAMS IDE project (or several) to GAMS Studio?
I have IDE projects (.gpr) with chains of gams programs (.gms) linked with
the save and re-start facility (r= s=).
I do not seem to be able to import these in Studio (only .gjp).
Any instruction or info on this?


There is no automated way to move from GAMS IDE projects to Studio projects. We actually discussed that in the Studio development team and decided against it mostly because of two reason:

First, recreating a project in Studio is actually pretty quick and simple, so that and automated transition would save some, but not much effort.

Second, and more important, there is no clear-defined way, how to move from an IDE project to Studio project. For example, in the IDE every single gms file of a project is a “main file” (in Studio lingo) and has its own CLP history. In Studio, a project itself has a CLP history which gets used to whatever file is set as main file.

More about the difference between these two projects can be found here:

Please let me know if you have serious issues of doing the transition manually.
