I know my question is cheap but I really need your helps and I appreciate all who give tips to me. I recently installed Gams for optimization purposes through this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx_tYI3wyP4 and it was successful. I desire to use gams studio but I can not run it. Unfortunately, I am new to ubuntu and I just know that to run an application, I should type its name in command line and hit the Enter but it dose not work to me. When I run gams in my terminal I get the followings which show my installation is perfect:
(base) amir@amir-ThinkPad-T420:~$ gams
--- Job ? Start 02/23/20 13:03:05 30.2.0 r482c588 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux
*** GAMS Base Module 30.2.0 r482c588 Released Feb 07, 2020 LEG x86 64bit/Linux
*** GAMS Development Corporation
*** 2751 Prosperity Ave, Suite 210
*** Fairfax, VA 22031, USA
*** +1 202-342-0180, +1 202-342-0181 fax
*** support@gams.com, www.gams.com
*** GAMS Release : 30.2.0 r482c588 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux
*** Release Date : Released Feb 7, 2020
*** To use this release, you must have a valid license file for
*** this platform with maintenance expiration date later than
*** Jan 10, 2020
*** System Directory : /opt/gams30.2_linux_x64_64_sfx/
*** License : /opt/gams30.2_linux_x64_64_sfx/gamslice.txt
*** GAMS Demo license for Amir Baghban G200221|0002CO-GEN
*** Amir Kabir University of Technology, Holy See
*** DL00258400 **GAMS Demo license restricted to non-commercial use**
*** amirbaghban87@gmail.com, Amir Baghban
*** Licensed platform : Generic popular platforms
*** The installed license is valid.
*** Evaluation expiration date (GAMS base module) : Feb 15, 2021
*** Note: For solvers, other expiration dates may apply.
*** Run gamslib model licememo for more details.
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job ? Stop 02/23/20 13:03:05 elapsed 0:00:00.001
Now I want to use gams studio to code. I read in its documentation page that gams studio is installed during gams installation. But I can not run it and i get the following message
(base) amir@amir-ThinkPad-T420:~$ gams studio
— Job studio Start 02/23/20 12:42:49 30.2.0 r482c588 LEX-LEG x86 64bit/Linux
*** Unable to open input file (RC=2) studio
*** SysMsg: No such file or directory
— GAMS Parameters defined
Input studio
ScrDir /home/amir/225a/
SysDir /opt/gams30.2_linux_x64_64_sfx/
*** Status: Terminated due to parameter errors
— Job studio Stop 02/23/20 12:42:49 elapsed 0:00:00.001