Dear Sir or Madam,
I use GAMS to solve economic models with CONOPT. Here comes my question:
When I run the model with an option file states:
FILE opt CONOPT option file /conopt.opt/;
PUT opt;
PUT ’ rtnwma 1E-04’/;
*PUT ’ rtnwmi 1E-05’/;
The solution report shows “Normal completion, Locally infeasible”. It tells me how to relax the tolerance with ‘rtnwmi’. All infeasililities come from very small values. When I change the option file to the following:
FILE opt CONOPT option file /conopt.opt/;
PUT opt;
*PUT ’ rtnwma 1E-04’/;
PUT ’ rtnwmi 1E-05’/;
It turns out “Minimum Newton tolerance Rtnwmi=1.0E-05” is greater than Maximum Newton Tolerance, Rtnwma=1.0e-07. Change one of them." If I change ‘rtnwmi’ to smaller than 1.0e-07, then the infeasibility problem cant be removed.
I also tried with turning on both ‘rtnwma’ and ‘rtnwmi’ simutaneously, the result turns to be not optimal with ‘7 INTERMEDIATE NONOPTIMAL’.
Could you please help me with this?
Many thanks,