Problem with minimizing AUGMECON2

GAMS code for solving a multi-objective problem using the improved version of the augmented e-constraint method can be found here:

In this model, both objectives are used for maximization purpose. How do I convert this model for a bi-objective minimization integer programming problem?


$sTitle eps-constraint Method
   k1(k)  'the first element of k'
   km1(k) 'all but the first elements of k'
   kk(k)  'active objective function in constraint allobj';

k1(k)$(ord(k) = 1) = yes;
km1(k)  = yes;
km1(k1) =  no;

   rhs(k)    'right hand side of the constrained obj functions in eps-constraint'
   maxobj(k) 'maximum value from the payoff table'
   minobj(k) 'minimum value from the payoff table'
   numk(k)   'ordinal value of k starting with 1';

   iter         'total number of iterations'
   infeas       'total number of infeasibilities'
   elapsed_time 'elapsed time for payoff and e-sonstraint'
   start        'start time'
   finish       'finish time';

   a_objval 'auxiliary variable for the objective function'
   obj      'auxiliary variable during the construction of the payoff table'
   sl(k)    'slack or surplus variables for the eps-constraints';

Positive Variable sl;

   con_obj(k) 'constrained objective functions'
   augm_obj   'augmented objective function to avoid weakly efficient solutions'
   allobj     'all the objective functions in one expression';

con_obj(km1).. z(km1) - dir(km1)*sl(km1) =e= rhs(km1);

* We optimize the first objective function and put the others as constraints
* the second term is for avoiding weakly efficient points

   a_objval =e= sum(k1,dir(k1)*z(k1))
         + 1e-3*sum(km1,power(10,-(numk(km1) - 1))*sl(km1)/(maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1)));

allobj.. sum(kk, dir(kk)*z(kk)) =e= obj;

   mod_payoff    / example, allobj            /
   mod_epsmethod / example, con_obj, augm_obj /;

Parameter payoff(k,k) 'payoff tables entries';

Alias (k,kp);

option optCr = 0, limRow = 0, limCol = 0, solPrint = off, solveLink = %solveLink.LoadLibrary%;

* Generate payoff table applying lexicographic optimization
   kk(kp) = yes;
      solve mod_payoff using mip maximizing obj;
      payoff(kp,kk) = z.l(kk);
      z.fx(kk) = z.l(kk); // freeze the value of the last objective optimized
      kk(k++1) = kk(k);   // cycle through the objective functions
   until kk(kp);
   kk(kp) = no;
*  release the fixed values of the objective functions for the new iteration
   z.up(k) =  inf;
   z.lo(k) = -inf;
if(mod_payoff.modelStat <> %modelStat.optimal% and
   mod_payoff.modelStat <> %modelStat.integer Solution%,
   abort 'no optimal solution for mod_payoff';);

File fx / 2kp50_augmecon2_results.txt /;
put  fx ' PAYOFF TABLE'/;
   loop(k, put payoff(kp,k):12:2;);
   put /;

minobj(k) = smin(kp,payoff(kp,k));
maxobj(k) = smax(kp,payoff(kp,k));

* gridpoints are calculated as the range (difference between max and min) of
* the 2nd objective function from the payoff table
$if not set gridpoints $set gridpoints 491
   g         'grid points' / g0*g%gridpoints% /
   grid(k,g) 'grid';

   gridrhs(k,g) 'RHS of eps-constraint at grid point'
   maxg(k)      'maximum point in grid for objective'
   posg(k)      'grid position of objective'
   firstOffMax  'some counters'
   lastZero     'some counters'
*  numk(k) 'ordinal value of k starting with 1'
   numg(g)      'ordinal value of g starting with 0'
   step(k)      'step of grid points in objective functions'
   jump(k)      'jumps in the grid points traversing';

lastZero = 1;
   numk(km1) = lastZero;
   lastZero  = lastZero + 1;
numg(g) = ord(g) - 1;

grid(km1,g) = yes; // Here we could define different grid intervals for different objectives
maxg(km1)   = smax(grid(km1,g), numg(g));
step(km1)   = (maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1))/maxg(km1);
gridrhs(grid(km1,g))$(dir(km1) = -1) = maxobj(km1) - numg(g)/maxg(km1)*(maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1));
gridrhs(grid(km1,g))$(dir(km1) =  1) = minobj(km1) + numg(g)/maxg(km1)*(maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1));

put / ' Grid points' /;
   loop(km1, put gridrhs(km1,g):12:2;);
   put /;
put / 'Efficient solutions' /;

* Walk the grid points and take shortcuts if the model becomes infeasible or
* if the calculated slack variables are greater than the step size
posg(km1) = 0;
iter   = 0;
infeas = 0;
start  = jnow;

   rhs(km1) = sum(grid(km1,g)$(numg(g) = posg(km1)), gridrhs(km1,g));
   solve mod_epsmethod maximizing a_objval using mip;
   iter = iter + 1;
   if(mod_epsmethod.modelStat<>%modelStat.optimal% and
      mod_epsmethod.modelStat<>%modelStat.integer Solution%,
      infeas = infeas + 1; // not optimal is in this case infeasible
      put iter:5:0, '  infeasible' /;
      lastZero = 0;
      loop(km1$(posg(km1)  > 0 and lastZero = 0), lastZero = numk(km1));
      posg(km1)$(numk(km1) <= lastZero) = maxg(km1); // skip all solves for more demanding values of rhs(km1)
      put iter:5:0;
      loop(k, put z.l(k):12:2;);
      jump(km1) = 1;
*     find the first off max (obj function that hasn't reach the final grid point).
*     If this is k then assign jump for the 1..k-th objective functions
*     The jump is calculated for the innermost objective function (km=1)
      jump(km1)$(numk(km1) = 1) = 1 + floor(sl.L(km1)/step(km1));
      loop(km1$(jump(km1)  > 1), put '   jump';);
      put /;
*  Proceed forward in the grid
   firstOffMax = 0;
   loop(km1$(posg(km1) < maxg(km1) and firstOffMax = 0),
      posg(km1)   = min((posg(km1) + jump(km1)),maxg(km1));
      firstOffMax = numk(km1);
   posg(km1)$(numk(km1) < firstOffMax) = 0;
   abort$(iter > 1000) 'more than 1000 iterations, something seems to go wrong';
until sum(km1$(posg(km1) = maxg(km1)),1) = card(km1) and firstOffMax = 0;

finish = jnow;
elapsed_time = (finish - start)*60*60*24;

put /;
put 'Infeasibilities = ', infeas:5:0 /;
put 'Elapsed time: ',elapsed_time:10:2, ' seconds' /;

I suggest reading the paper referenced in the header of the model to understand what is going on. Moreover, there is a parameter called dir in the original epscmmip model:

   dir(k) 'direction of the objective functions 1 for max and -1 for min' / k1 1, k2 1 /

that allows the handling of different optimization directions in the algorithm. It is trivial to turn a minimization into a maximization problem (or vice versa) but just adding a - (negative) sign to the objective variable.

Hope this helps,

Yes, I got the directions 1 and -1 for the maximization and minimization of the objective functions. In my problem, since it’s a bi-objective minimization, I’ve set the directions to -1 and -1 for both the functions. However, the two parts of the code I was focused on were:

* Generate payoff table applying lexicographic optimization
   kk(kp) = yes;
      solve mod_payoff using mip maximizing obj;
      payoff(kp,kk) = z.l(kk);
   rhs(km1) = sum(grid(km1,g)$(numg(g) = posg(km1)), gridrhs(km1,g));
   solve mod_epsmethod maximizing a_objval using mip;
   iter = iter + 1;

Should solve mod_payoff and solve mod_epsmethod in the aforementioned two parts be set to using mip minimizing obj; for my minimization functions, or does the AUGMECON2 method work as it is?

Also, is there any way I can set the gridpoints to take only Integer values in this code?

It works as is. The dir parameter helps to internally transform all optimization problems into maximization problems.

For the gridpoints I would look at the following code and try to understand what is going on, then you will be easily able (using the round function) to have integer gridpoints:

grid(km1,g) = yes; // Here we could define different grid intervals for different objectives
maxg(km1)   = smax(grid(km1,g), numg(g));
step(km1)   = (maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1))/maxg(km1);
gridrhs(grid(km1,g))$(dir(km1) = -1) = maxobj(km1) - numg(g)/maxg(km1)*(maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1));
gridrhs(grid(km1,g))$(dir(km1) =  1) = minobj(km1) + numg(g)/maxg(km1)*(maxobj(km1) - minobj(km1));


If you could show me how that’s done in this particular code, it’d really be a big help. I am a novice in coding. Tried a few here, but didn’t work with setting the gridpoints to take integer.

That would rob you of the fun learning something new. Just experiment and you learn a lot. This is much more satisfying than someone else doing your work. If you are stuck with very specific things and you show that you tried many different things to make them work, I am sure you will find some help here.
