Problem with equation written as sequence

Hi everyone,
I had a problem with expressing the following equation
Here ε and η are constant parameters. z(t) and x(t) should be two variables with set t. I tried to write the equation as this: z(t+1) =e= z(t)*(1-1/η) + ε *x(t)
However, the code failed and returned error 149. I want to know how to express t+1 for my variable z(t) or I need to find the general equation for z(t)?
Thanks for your help!

Here is my first attempt

    t	periods	/0*50/

alias (t,tt);

          a	demand curve intercept	/8/
          b	demand curve slope	/0.4/
          C	marginal extraction cost	/2/
          r	discount rate	/0.05/
          Q total resource available  /80/
          d marginal cost of "backup tech" /6/
          e constant cost of GHG /0.25/
          eta residence time of GHG /100/
          epsilon emission factor /0.1/
          lambda	marginal user cost

x(t)	quantities extracted per period
p(t)	price of extracted resource per period 
nb	    present value of net benefit
v(t)    quantities of renewable energy extracted per period
z(t)    GHG stock


        obj_func	    objective function 
        dem_curve(t)	demand curve
        cons	        total available resource
        GHG_stock       GHG stock equation of motion 

obj_func.. nb =e= sum(t, exp(-r*t.val) * (a*(x(t)+v(t))- 0.5*b*(x(t)+v(t))**2 - c*x(t)-d*v(t)-e*z(t)**2)) ;
dem_curve(t)..  p(t) =e= a - (b*(x(t)+v(t)));
cons..	sum(t,x(t)) =e= Q;
GHG_stock.. z(t+1) =e= z(t)*(1-1/eta) + epsilon*x(t)

model extraction /obj_func, dem_curve, cons,GHG_stock/;
*	set lower bounds to avoid errors and ensure a meaningful solution
x.lo(t) = 0;
p.lo(t) = 0;
v.lo(t) = 0;

z.fx(t)$(ord(t)=1) =1;
solve extraction using nlp maximizing nb;

lambda(t)$(x.l(t) > 0) = exp(-r*t.val)*(a - b*x.l(t)-c);
display lambda;

And my second attempt returns error 143 that a suffix is missing

    t	periods	/0*50/

alias (t,tt);

          a	demand curve intercept	/8/
          b	demand curve slope	/0.4/
          C	marginal extraction cost	/2/
          r	discount rate	/0.05/
          Q total resource available  /80/
          d marginal cost of "backup tech" /6/
          e constant cost of GHG /0.25/
          eta residence time of GHG /100/
          epsilon emission factor /0.1/
          lambda	marginal user cost

x(t)	quantities extracted per period
p(t)	price of extracted resource per period 
nb	    present value of net benefit
v(t)    quantities of renewable energy extracted per period
z(t)    GHG stock


        obj_func	    objective function 
        dem_curve(t)	demand curve
        cons	        total available resource
        GHG_stock       GHG stock equation of motion 

obj_func.. nb =e= sum(t, exp(-r*t.val) * (a*(x(t)+v(t))- 0.5*b*(x(t)+v(t))**2 - c*x(t)-d*v(t)-e*z(t)**2)) ;
dem_curve(t)..  p(t) =e= a - (b*(x(t)+v(t)));
cons..	sum(t,x(t)) =e= Q;

model extraction /obj_func, dem_curve, cons/;

*	set lower bounds to avoid errors and ensure a meaningful solution
x.lo(t) = 0;
p.lo(t) = 0;
v.lo(t) = 0;

z.fx(t)$(ord(t)=1) =1;
z(t+1) = z(t)*(1-1/eta) + epsilon*x(t);
solve extraction using nlp maximizing nb;
lambda(t)$(x.l(t) > 0) = exp(-r*t.val)*(a - b*x.l(t)-c);
display lambda;

Why don’t you post what you already have. Then we might be able to help. -Michael

Hi, here is my first attempt where returns error149

    t	periods	/0*50/

alias (t,tt);

          a	demand curve intercept	/8/
          b	demand curve slope	/0.4/
          C	marginal extraction cost	/2/
          r	discount rate	/0.05/
          Q total resource available  /80/
          d marginal cost of "backup tech" /6/
          e constant cost of GHG /0.25/
          eta residence time of GHG /100/
          epsilon emission factor /0.1/
          lambda	marginal user cost

x(t)	quantities extracted per period
p(t)	price of extracted resource per period 
nb	    present value of net benefit
v(t)    quantities of renewable energy extracted per period
z(t)    GHG stock


        obj_func	    objective function 
        dem_curve(t)	demand curve
        cons	        total available resource
        GHG_stock       GHG stock equation of motion 

obj_func.. nb =e= sum(t, exp(-r*t.val) * (a*(x(t)+v(t))- 0.5*b*(x(t)+v(t))**2 - c*x(t)-d*v(t)-e*z(t)**2)) ;
dem_curve(t)..  p(t) =e= a - (b*(x(t)+v(t)));
cons..	sum(t,x(t)) =e= Q;
GHG_stock.. z(t+1) =e= z(t)*(1-1/eta) + epsilon*x(t)

model extraction /obj_func, dem_curve, cons,GHG_stock/;
*	set lower bounds to avoid errors and ensure a meaningful solution
x.lo(t) = 0;
p.lo(t) = 0;
v.lo(t) = 0;

z.fx(t)$(ord(t)=1) =1;
solve extraction using nlp maximizing nb;

lambda(t)$(x.l(t) > 0) = exp(-r*t.val)*(a - b*x.l(t)-c);
display lambda;

I also tried to use a loop statement but it returns an error 143 says that a suffix is missing.

    t	periods	/0*50/

alias (t,tt);

          a	demand curve intercept	/8/
          b	demand curve slope	/0.4/
          C	marginal extraction cost	/2/
          r	discount rate	/0.05/
          Q total resource available  /80/
          d marginal cost of "backup tech" /6/
          e constant cost of GHG /0.25/
          eta residence time of GHG /100/
          epsilon emission factor /0.1/
          lambda	marginal user cost

x(t)	quantities extracted per period
p(t)	price of extracted resource per period 
nb	    present value of net benefit
v(t)    quantities of renewable energy extracted per period
z(t)    GHG stock


        obj_func	    objective function 
        dem_curve(t)	demand curve
        cons	        total available resource
        GHG_stock       GHG stock equation of motion 

obj_func.. nb =e= sum(t, exp(-r*t.val) * (a*(x(t)+v(t))- 0.5*b*(x(t)+v(t))**2 - c*x(t)-d*v(t)-e*z(t)**2)) ;
dem_curve(t)..  p(t) =e= a - (b*(x(t)+v(t)));
cons..	sum(t,x(t)) =e= Q;

model extraction /obj_func, dem_curve, cons/;

*	set lower bounds to avoid errors and ensure a meaningful solution
x.lo(t) = 0;
p.lo(t) = 0;
v.lo(t) = 0;

z.fx(t)$(ord(t)=1) =1;
z(t+1) = z(t)*(1-1/eta) + epsilon*x(t);
solve extraction using nlp maximizing nb;
lambda(t)$(x.l(t) > 0) = exp(-r*t.val)*(a - b*x.l(t)-c);
display lambda;

Thanks so much for your help

If you want this as a constraint, you have to stick to your first solution. The second does this just as data. In your first solution you need to index your equation GHG_stock over t. This is such a rookie mistake that I wonder if you covered the basics of GAMS. I recommend spending more time with the documentation and especially the tutorials.
