Hello Everyone,
I am new to GAMS, and this is my first post.
I am facing a quite annoying problem in GAMS, basically I wanted to input data in the form of Tables.
I have attached the csv file, which is a dummy one exactly resembling my original file.
DC.csv (122 KB)
The GAMS code, I am using to create a gdx file is:
$call csv2gdx dc.csv id=DC useheader=y index=1,2,3 values=4..lastCol
I am receiving an error message saying
*** ErrNr = 20 Msg = Bad UELs (check option "acceptBadUels")
Bad Uel Count = 1, CSV2GDX time = 2ms
If I apply the acceptBadUels=y options, everything is changed of UNDF
No attachement. Copy and paste into a code section also works. -Michael
I have attached the document (.csv file) in the previous post. And the codes that I am using to create a gdx file.
Sorry, can’t reproduce the problem:
d:\Users\mbussieck\Downloads>csv2gdx dc.csv id=DC useheader=y index=1,2,3 values=4..lastCol
No errors, CSV2GDX time = 47ms
This is with csv2gdx from GAMS 39.2.0. What version did you use?
GAMS Version: 37.1.0
Operating System: Linux (Ubuntu 20.04LTS)
I also like to mention that I am creating the csv file by opening the excel sheet using LibreOffice Calc and
then Saving as CSV file.
I was successfully able to run model libraries examples (those using csv2gdx), they are running perfectly well.
I can not figure it out, where is mistake that I am receiving BadUels errors.
I ran the same command on Linux with GAMS 37.1.0 and again received no errors. I used exactly your dc.csv. Can you try running the csv2gdx from the command line on this exact file. There is a trace option (e.g. trace=4) that you can set to see more information.