problem in optimal power flow code


I got some code for the optimal power flow and unit commitment from the NEOS website. It is asking for filepath filename and file extension. Now when I am entering these things in command prompt, the prog. is running but the same when i am doing in GAMS, errors are coming asking me to first enter the filepath. How can i rectify this problem.
below i have listed these line from the prog. itself. Can anybody help me out the exact way of writing the filepath… Thanks


  • Define filepath, name and extension.

$setnames “%gams.i%” filepath filename fileextension

  • Define type of model
    $set modeltype “DC”
  • Define input case
    $if not set case $abort “Model aborted. Please provide input case”
    $setnames “%case%” casepath casename caseextension

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Hi sumitabh,
In GAMS IDE on top there is a white area close to run button. In that area you need to type down the address of your case. The following is an example.


On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 1:26:24 AM UTC-5, sumitabh tiwari wrote:


I got some code for the optimal power flow and unit commitment from the NEOS website. It is asking for filepath filename and file extension. Now when I am entering these things in command prompt, the prog. is running but the same when i am doing in GAMS, errors are coming asking me to first enter the filepath. How can i rectify this problem.
below i have listed these line from the prog. itself. Can anybody help me out the exact way of writing the filepath… Thanks


  • Define filepath, name and extension.

$setnames “%gams.i%” filepath filename fileextension

  • Define type of model
    $set modeltype “DC”
  • Define input case
    $if not set case $abort “Model aborted. Please provide input case”
    $setnames “%case%” casepath casename caseextension

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Hi Sumitabh,

Omid’s response is correct and specific to the GAMS IDE on Windows. If you are using command prompt or a terminal to run GAMS, the following does the same: gams acopf.gms --case=\datafilelocation\case39.gdx

The code snippet you described ($setnames “%case%” casepath casename caseextension ) will decompose your input into the appropriate 3 components automatically. You do not need to do this manually, the code handles it as long as you provide the necessary “–case=” input. For the above example, you will end up with casepath=datafilelocation, casename=case39 and caseextension=gdx.

Similarly, “$setnames “%gams.i%” filepath filename fileextension” will automatically decompose the GAMS path directory into the necessary components. The gams path directory is not a user defined option like above. If you have correctly installed and can run GAMS, this should be a non-issue.

Hope this helps.

On Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 4:34:14 AM UTC-4, omid ziaee wrote:

Hi sumitabh,
In GAMS IDE on top there is a white area close to run button. In that area you need to type down the address of your case. The following is an example.


On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 1:26:24 AM UTC-5, sumitabh tiwari wrote:


I got some code for the optimal power flow and unit commitment from the NEOS website. It is asking for filepath filename and file extension. Now when I am entering these things in command prompt, the prog. is running but the same when i am doing in GAMS, errors are coming asking me to first enter the filepath. How can i rectify this problem.
below i have listed these line from the prog. itself. Can anybody help me out the exact way of writing the filepath… Thanks


  • Define filepath, name and extension.

$setnames “%gams.i%” filepath filename fileextension

  • Define type of model
    $set modeltype “DC”
  • Define input case
    $if not set case $abort “Model aborted. Please provide input case”
    $setnames “%case%” casepath casename caseextension

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