Parameter Syntax with "#" sign and 3 Dimensions

Hi everyone,

I will use an example from the GAMS documentation for clarification (see below).
The parameter s_rep is used to store the probability for each scenario with the header “prob” and as a default its value is zero (if i understood that code bit correctly):

Set scen           "scenarios" / s1*s3 /;
     s_d(scen)     "demand realization by scenario"
     s_x(scen)     "units bought by scenario"
     s_s(scen)     "units sold by scenario"
     s_rep(scen,*) "scenario probability"   / #scen.prob 0/;
Set dict / scen .scenario.''
           d    .randvar .s_d
           s    .level   .s_s
           x    .level   .s_x
           ''   .opt     .s_rep /;

However how does the syntax change if i have a 3D parameter instead of 2D e.g.

Set scen           "scenarios" / s1*s3 /
      wo		"worlds" /w1*w10/;
     s_d(scen,wo)     	"demand realization by scenario"
     s_x(scen,wo)     	"units bought by scenario"
     s_s(scen,wo)     	"units sold by scenario"
     s_rep(scen,wo,*) 	"scenario probability"   / #????/;
Set dict / scen .scenario.''
           d    .randvar .s_d
           s    .level   .s_s
           x    .level   .s_x
           ''   .opt     .s_rep /;

Can anyone help me with that?
Thanks so much!


The syntax # just puts the elements of the specified set into the input at that point. Since you want a 3-D set, you need a 3-tuple to initialize set elements. You can do it like this:

  scen      "scenarios" / s1*s3 /
  wo        "worlds"    / w1*w4 /;
  s2(scen,*) "scenario probability"   / #scen.prob 0/
  stuff(scen,wo,*)  'not a probability'    / #scen.#wo.prob 2.5 /
display s2, stuff;

This is just a shorthand way of defining data within a declaration that avoids having to list each tuple separately, like:

parameter foo (scen,wo,*) /
  s1.w1.prob 1.5
  s1.w2.prob 1.5
  s1.w3.prob 1.5
*etc etc
  s3.w4.prob  1.5


Hi dirkse and thank you very much for your help!

Your solution was also my first try but if i put the whole dictionary in some modelling context got a mismatch error (790 -dimension mismatch).
Is there something i do overlook?

Set wo /w1*w9/
Variable  z      "profit";
Positive Variables
          x(wo)   "units bought"
          i(wo)   "inventory"
          l(wo)   "lost sales"
          s(wo)   "units sold";

Scalars   c      "purchase costs per unit"         / 30 /
          p      "penalty shortage cost per unit"  /  5 /
          h      "holding cost per leftover unit"  / 10 /
          v      "revenue per unit sold"           / 60 /

parameter d(wo)       Reaktanz der Leitung l
w1       45
w2       49
w3       48
w4       35
w5       39
w6       44
w7       51
w8       39
w9       36

Equations profit "profit to be maximized"
          row1   "demand = UnitsSold + LostSales"
          row2   "inventory = UnitsBought - UnitsSold";

profit..         z =e= sum(wo, v*s(wo) - c*x(wo) - h*i(wo) - p*l(wo));
row1(wo)..       d(wo) =e= s(wo) + l(wo);
row2(wo)..       i(wo) =e= x(wo) - s(wo);

$funclibin msllib lsadclib

Function setSeed         / msllib.setSeed /
         sampleNormal    / msllib.sampleLSNormal /
         getSampleValues / msllib.getSampleValues /;

parameter k(wo);
k(wo) = sampleNormal(d(wo),10,9);

Set g /1*9/; parameter sv1(g,wo);
   sv1(g,wo) = getSampleValues(k(wo));

File emp / '' /;
put emp;
put 'randvar d discrete '; loop((g,wo), put (1/card(g)) ' ' sv1(g,wo) ' ');
stage 2 i(wo) l(wo) s(wo) d(wo)
stage 2 row1(wo) row2(wo)
putclose emp;

Set scen           "scenarios" / s1*s3 /;
     s_d(scen,wo)     "demand realization by scenario"
     s_x(scen,wo)     "units bought by scenario"
     s_s(scen,wo)     "units sold by scenario"
     s_rep(scen,wo,*) "scenario probability"  / #scen.#wo.prob 0 /;

Set dict / scen .scenario.''
           d    .randvar .s_d
           s    .level   .s_s
           x    .level   .s_x
           ''   .opt     .s_rep /;

Model nv / all /;
solve nv max z use EMP scenario dict;

The srep parameter always depends on the scenarios only. It gives information about the scenarios (e.g. it’s probability) Why drag in set wo? So just change to

     s_rep(scen,*) "scenario probability"  / #scen.prob 0 /;

Moreover, your EMP syntax is wrong. You can either move an entire block of variables/equations to a stage or need to use individual variable/equation records:

stage 2 i l s d
stage 2 row1 row2

The running code is attached. Not sure if that’s what you want to do, but it solves okay.

ex.gms (1.88 KB)