output the results to excel


I want to transfer the result of my model to excel. I used below options;

execute_unload “result_model1acost.gdx”
execute 'gdxxrw.exe result_model1acost.gdx

In additon, I want to add description of the result in my excel file.

For example;

(NOTE: I atteched my result excel file)

Above numbers show result of UATS(k) value (Average amount of TS produced in k blood donation center)

01011 01312 06712 16162 16774 21721 21212 81543 81415
532,53 2539,35 219,01 4433,22 626,175 490,93 1874,62 1605,615 91,095

I want to write “UATS(k) value (Average amount of TS produced in k blood donation center)” to A2 cell of UATS page in my excel file.

So, which option or code can I use to add the same words to the excel file.

Could you help me please?

Best Regards

result_model1acost.xlsx (99.5 KB)

Hi Vahdi

You will find the answer in the first example of the GDXXRW documentation.
