I’m using GAMSIDE to open a large .gdx file which contains a parameter with 100,000,000+ values.
While trying to view the values in that parameter, it reminds me that “Error displaying this symbol in SGSyClick; Message: Out of memory”(Figure below). However, when I look at the computer, there is still enough memory available.
I’m wondering whether there is a limit of memory usage for GAMS in Windows system? Could anyone tell me how to make the values visible?
I don’t see the “figure below” you mentioned, but I believe the gist is in your note. The GAMSIDE is a 32-bit program, so it cannot use all available memory on your computer. It is limited to a 32-bit address space. Further technical considerations result in a limit of 3 GB for user-space addresses.
I would be curious to know what you see in task manager. My guess is that you see GAMSIDE using around 3GB of memory on a machine with 16GB or similar. Yes?
The new GAMS Studio is a 64-bit program, so the limits mentioned above do not apply. Can you try that?
Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, sorry that I didn’t successfully upload the screenshot of the message together with the window of task maganer. Your description is absolutely right! What I saw was just that there seemed to be enough available memory but GAMSIDE told me “out of memory”.
Sure, I’ll definitely try the GAMS studio. Actually I’ve heard about it before, but I never thought I could be the solution of my problem.
Many thanks for your helpful advice!