Dear GAMS Lovers,
Here are two coupons for the online courses
Complete guide to Modern Mathematical Optimization in GAMS
In this course, you will learn how to use GAMS for solving optimization problems.
- First of all, you will learn how to install GAMS on your machine.
- What is optimization? What is the objective function? What is the constraint?
- You understand the meaning of different errors and the way you should debug them
- How to read/write from/to an Excel file
- Multi-Objective optimization in GAMS
- How to code conditional statements in GAMS
- How to code Loop statements in GAMS
2021 Mastering Energy and Power System Optimization in GAMS
- General GAMS coding (Pure GAMS, elements, loops, multi-objectives, conditional statements, Examples)
- Power system GAMS coding (Static/dynamic economic/environmental dispatch, AC/DC OPF, Storage, DR, PMU, …)