Dear Community,
currently I’m writing my master-thesis using GAMS. I would now like to combine different load-profiles from an Excel-Sheet in order to investigate the impact of the sum of the different load profiles on the scaling of the PV-plant and the Energy-Storage. The following extract shows the most important lines from my model:
t time in hours / h1*h8760 /
load_sum(t) electricity demand of the dwelling or community
PVgen(t) PV-generation profile
$call gdxxrw i=dataset_DoubleDwelling_Loop.xlsx o=dataset_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gdx par=input rng=Time_series!A1 dim=2
$if errorlevel 1 $abort ‘problems while reading the Excel-file’
$gdxin dataset_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gdx
$load input
load_sum(t) = input(t,‘%instance%’) + inputr(t,‘%random%’);
PVgen(t) = input(t,‘PVgen’)
In order to run the model for different instances (%instance%) and random numbers (%random%) I’ve written the following .gms, which contains Sets for i and r
set i instances /7, 9, 12/
r random /28, 4, 16/
file frun / Run_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms /;
put frun ‘* Run file to run ’ card(i):0 ‘instance of TestGeneration’
/" "
/" ";
put / ‘$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=’ ’ --random=’ ord(r):0:0 ‘’
/ " ";
By executing this file I get something like this:
- Run file to run 3.00instance of TestGeneration
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=7 --random=1
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=7 --random=2
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=7 --random=3
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=9 --random=1
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=9 --random=2
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=9 --random=3
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=12 --random=1
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=12 --random=2
$call gams Quartiersspeicher_DoubleDwelling_Loop.gms --instance=12 --random=3
My problem now is that I do not want to combine each element of set i with each element of set r. I only want to map each element once. I hope the following example illustrates my issue.
Imagine there are the following two sets:
set i instances /7, 9, 12/
r random /28, 4, 16/
The following combinations I wish to investigate:
7 + 28
9 + 4
12 + 16
Maybe it is possible to solve this problem by using a twodimensional set, but I don’t know how this should works.
The GAMS-environment is new for me and I hope someone can helps.
Thank you very much!
Kind regards