Dear Friends,
I have solved a model in GAMS and one of the outputs is a large number and is shown exponentially (as scientific value). I have set 8 digits for showing the results, but as this variable (z1) is shown scientifically, it does not contain decimals. The model is
SCALARS r1 the manufacturer capacity utilization /0.9/
r2 the supplier capacity utilization /0.8/
q deteriorating rate which is a fraction of the on-hand inventory /0.1/
F supplier setup cost per setup /400 /
A manufacturer ordering setup cost per cycle /50/
c supplier production cost per unit /5/
s the unit price charged by the supplier to the manufacturer /10/
b backorder cost /2/
h manufacturer inventory holding cost rate excluding interest charges /0.1/
j supplier inventory holding cost rate excluding interest charges /0.1/
Is supplier opportunity cost per dollar per unit time /0.02/
Ip manufacturer opportunity cost per dollar per unit time /0.06/
Ie manufacturer interest earned per dollar per unit time /0.04/
M the manufacturer trade credit period offered by the supplier / 0.0821917808219178/
N the customer trade credit period offered by the manufacturer / 0.0410958904109589/
k constant in the manufacturer demand function representing his market scale /5000000/
e price elasticity of manufacturer demand rate which is alpha in the thesis /1.5/ ;
z1 total net profit ;
T1 production time with backorder at manufacturer’s side
T2 production time when positive stock builds up and the stock depletes due to the demand and deterioration at manufacturers side
v the unit price charged by the manufacturer to the customers ;
T1.lo = 0.01 ;
T2.lo = 0.01 ;
v.lo = 1 ;
g number of shipments from the supplier to the manufacturer per production run;
g.lo = 1;
g.up = 10;
Profit define objective function
Constraint condition for NP1
PriceConstraint constraint for price;
Profit … z1 =e= (1/((1/r1)T1+T2+(1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1)))))((v-s)(k*(v**(-e)))((1/r1)T1+(T2+((1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1))))))-A-(sh/q)(k(v**(-e)))(((1/r1)-1)T2-((1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1)))))-(b)((1/2)(T1**2)(k*(v**(-e)))((1/r1)-1)(1/r1))-s*(k*(v**(-e)))((1/r1)T2-(T2+((1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+ 1/r1)))))+(vIe)((k(v**(-e))/(2r1))((M-N)2))-(sIp(k(v*(-e)))/q)(((1/r1)-1)T2-((1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1))))) -vIp*(1/2)(k(v**(-e)))((N(2T2+2((1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1))))-N))+N(T1+N-M)(1/r1))+(s-c)((k*(v**(-e))/r1)(T1+T2))-F/(g)- c(j+Is)(((k(v**(-e)))/r1)((1/r1)T1+T2+(1/q)(log((1-(1/r1))exp(-qT2)+(1/r1))))(T1+T2)(r2(1-(g/2))+((g-1)/2)))-sIs((k*(v**(-e))/r1)*(T1+T2)*M)) ;
Constraint … M =l= T1 ;
PriceConstraint … v =g= s ;
MODEL NetProfit /ALL/ ;
option decimals=8;
Display z1.l;
Display T1.l, T2.l, v.l, g.l;
and the display is
---- 50 VARIABLE z1.L = 8.536778E+5 total net profit
---- 51 VARIABLE T1.L = 0.08219178 production time with
backorder at manufact
urer’s side
VARIABLE T2.L = 0.01000000 production time when
positive stock builds
up and the stock depl
etes due to the deman
d and deterioration a
t manufacturers side
VARIABLE v.L = 15.18408282 the unit price charge
d by the manufacturer
to the customers
VARIABLE g.L = 3.00000000 number of shipments f
rom the supplier to t
he manufacturer per p
roduction run
I have searched a lot and found that with .nd, the number of digits can be increased, but I do not know how to use it in the model. Moreover, I am not sure whether it solves my problem or not and i think the best way is showing z1 by non-scientific values.
I would highly appreciate it if somebody can help me to show z1 more precisely.
I would be looking forward to hearing your kind response.
Best regards.
Thesis- NP1- GAMS.gms (3 KB)