My Nash-Cournot (mcp) and Stackelberg (mpec) gives the same output. This is definitely wrong.
Both models have the same constraints and parameters.
In the Stackelberg model the profit-function is the object-function.
The KKT-conditons from the Nash-Cournot model is adapted to the Stackelberg model
for the follwers, firm 1 and 3. Is this correct?
Why do my Stackelberg model end up as the Nash-Cournot?
The Nash-Cournot model should and gives the output:
x(i,b): produced by i with technology b
x(1,1) = 21 000 x(1,2) = 12 200
x(2,1) = 17 000 x(2,2) = 0
x(3,1) = 18 000 x(3,2) = 0
The Stackelberg model gives the same, but should give:
x(1,1) = 21 000 x(1,2) = 16 000
x(2,1) = 17 000 x(2,2) = 0
x(3,1) = 18 000 x(3,2) = 0
*Linear inverse demand function with 3 price-making firms
*Transmission contraint
i firms /i1, i2, i3 /
n node /n1, n2, n3 /
b production tech /b1, b2 /
TABLE C(i,b) variable costs
b1 b2
i1 0.55 0.81
i2 0.62 1.25
i3 0.78 1.35
TABLE K(i,b) peocess capacities
b1 b2
i1 21000 16000
i2 17000 22000
i3 18000 14000
TABLE T(i,n) peocess capacities
n1 n2 n3
i1 1000000 1000000 1000000
i2 1000000 1000000 1000000
i3 1000000 1000000 1000000
PARAMETERS alpha(n) inverse demand intercept node n
/n1 2.5, n2 2.5, n3 2.5/ ;
PARAMETERS beta(n) inverse demand slope node n
/n1 0.00005, n2 0.00005, n3 0.00005/ ;
x(i,b) production by i with tech b
z(i,n) sold fom firm i to node n
q(n) demand quant in node n
gamma(i,b) dual of capacity constraint
omega(i,n) dual til transmisjons constraint
theta(i) dual
Cap(i,b) Production capacity
Trans(i,n) Transsmision capacity
Salg(i) Sold
KKTx(i,b) KKTcondition (MR=MC)
KKTz(i,n) KKTcondition
Demand(n) demand in node n
Cap(i,b)… - x(i,b) + K(i,b) =g= 0 ;
Trans(i,n)… - z(i,n) + T(i,n) =g= 0 ;
Salg(i)… - sum(n,z(i,n)) + sum(b,x(i,b)) =g= 0 ;
KKTx(i,b)… C(i,b) + gamma(i,b) - theta(i) =e= 0 ;
KKTz(i,n)… - alpha(n) + beta(n)*q(n) + beta(n)*z(i,n) + omega(i,n) + theta(i) =e= 0 ;
Demand(n)… q(n) - sum(i,z(i,n)) =e= 0 ;
Nash /Cap.gamma, Trans.omega, Salg.theta, KKTx.x, KKTz.z, Demand.q/ ;
Nash using mcp ;
i firms /i1, i2, i3 /
ifol(i) following firms /i1, i3/
b production tech /b1, b2/
n node /n1, n2, n3 /
TABLE C(i,b) variable costs
b1 b2
i1 0.55 0.81
i2 0.62 1.25
i3 0.78 1.35
TABLE K(i,b) peocess capacities
b1 b2
i1 21000 16000
i2 17000 22000
i3 18000 14000
TABLE T(i,n) peocess capacities
n1 n2 n3
i1 1000000 1000000 1000000
i2 1000000 1000000 1000000
i3 1000000 1000000 1000000
PARAMETERS alpha(n) inverse demand intercept node n
/n1 2.5, n2 2.5, n3 2.5/ ;
PARAMETERS beta(n) inverse demand slope node n
/n1 0.00005, n2 0.00005, n3 0.00005/ ;
x2(b) production by leader from b
z2(n) sold by leder i n
x(ifol, b) production by i from tech b
z(ifol, n) sold av ifol i n
q demanded quantity
gamma(ifol, b) dual of capacity cont for followers
omega(ifol, n) dual of tran cont for followers
theta(ifol) dual til kan ikke selge mer en produsert
NegStackObj negative of Stack objtive
StackObjDef Stackelberg objective defination
Capacity2(b) upper limmint cap generation for b
Trans2(n) upper limint trans
Salg2 kan ikke selge mer en produsert
Capacity(ifol, b) upper limmit
Trans(ifol, n) upper lim trans
Salg(ifol) kan ikke selge mer en produsert
MarkClear market clearing
KKTx(ifol,b) kktx followers
KKTz(ifol,n) kktz followers
StackObjDef… sum(b, C(‘i2’, b)*x2(b)) - sum(n,(alpha(n) - beta(n)*q(n))*z2(n))
- NegStackObj =e= 0 ;
Capacity2(b)… x2(b) - K(‘i2’, b) =l= 0 ;
Trans2(n)… z2(n) - T(‘i2’, n) =l= 0;
Salg2… sum(n,z2(n)) - sum(b,x2(b)) =l= 0;
Capacity(ifol, b)… - x(ifol, b) + K(ifol, b) =g= 0 ;
Trans(ifol, n)… - z(ifol, n) + T(ifol, n) =g= 0 ;
Salg(ifol)… - sum(n, z(ifol,n)) + sum(b,x(ifol,b)) =g= 0 ;
MarkClear(n)… q(n) - sum(ifol, z(ifol, n)) - z2(n) =e= 0 ;
KKTx(ifol,b)… C(ifol,b) + gamma(ifol,b) - theta(ifol) =e= 0 ;
KKTz(ifol,n)… - alpha(n) + beta(n)*q(n) + beta(n)*z(ifol,n) + omega(ifol,n)
- theta(ifol) =e= 0 ;
MODEL Stackelberg
/StackObjDef, Capacity2, Trans2, Salg2, Capacity.gamma, Trans.omega, Salg.theta,
MarkClear, KKTx.x, KKTz.z/ ;
Stackelberg.optfile = 1 ;
SOLVE Stackelberg minimizing NegStackObj using mpec ;
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