Modeling the absolute value

Hi guys,

I just started to use GAMS (so I have no experience whatsoever). I wanted to know whether and how it is possible to model the absolute values of binary variables. So I want to maximize the difference:

max: SUM(t=0 to T) {abs(x_t - c_t)}

where x_t is a binary decision variable and c_t is also a binary variable (but not decision variable; the values are fixed). Of course there are contraints such that just flipping the value of c_t for every time slot is not feasible.

Does anyone have an idea whether something like this is possible or not.

Hi, maybe you can try with this restriction:

eq1(t).. 1 - x(t)  +    c(t) +    absvalue(t)   =g= 1;
eq2(t).. 1 - x(t)  + 1-c(t) + 1-absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq3(t)..      x(t)  + 1-c(t) +     absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq4(t)..      x(t)  +    c(t) +  1- absvalue(t) =g= 1;
eq5..        z =e= sum(t,absvalue(t) )

absvalue(t) correspond to the absolute value of (x(t) - c(t))

Good luck

Sorry it has been a while since I posted this question. Nonetheless I unforunately have not solved this problem. Basically my problem has slightly changend. Now I want to solve the following prolbem:

max: SUM(t=0 to T) {abs(x_t - y_t)}

where x_t is a binary decision variable and y_t is also a binary decision variable.

Is there a way how this can automatically be done by GAMS meaning that GAMS for example linearizes the abs function?

Hi, Sorry that I have not written anything since a fairly long time. But I do not really understand the approach form Manassaldi and my objective has slightly changed. So I want to maximize the difference:
max: SUM(t=0 to T) {abs(x_t - y_t)}

where x_t is a binary decision variable and y_t is also a binary decision variable.

I heard that something like this is solable with the Gurobi Solver by introducing an auxiliary variable z(t) = x(t) - y(t) for each t. However adding the following equations to GAMS:

eq_z(t).. z(t) =e= x(t) - y(t);

eq_z_abs(t).. z_abs(t)=e= abs(z(t));

led to the error message: “Endogenous function argument(s) not allowed in linear models”

Does anyone have an idea whether and how something like this is possible or not by using GAMS?

These constraints are obtained using logical propositions and the so-called “basic steps”.
You can not use the abs() function in linear programming

eq1(t).. 1 - x(t)  +    c(t) +    absvalue(t)   =g= 1;
eq2(t).. 1 - x(t)  + 1-c(t) + 1-absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq3(t)..      x(t)  + 1-c(t) +     absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq4(t)..      x(t)  +    c(t) +  1- absvalue(t) =g= 1;
eq5..        z =e= sum(t,absvalue(t) )

If you observe the restrictions you can note that:

If x = 1 and c = 0 then for eq1 absvalue = 1 (equal to abs(x-c)) (the remaining restrictions are also satisfied)
If x = 1 and c = 1 then for eq2 absvalue = 0 (equal to abs(x-c)) (the remaining restrictions are also satisfied)
If x = 0 and c = 1 then for eq3 absvalue = 1 (equal to abs(x-c)) (the remaining restrictions are also satisfied)
If x = 0 and c = 0 then for eq4 absvalue = 0 (equal to abs(x-c)) (the remaining restrictions are also satisfied)

As the variables are binary, there are no other possibilities

Best regard


I inserted following equations:

eq_z_firstCondition(t).. z(t) =l= 2 - x(t) - y(t);
eq_z_secondCondition(t).. z(t) =l= x (t) + y(t);


sum((t),  z(t));


Solve model using mip maximizing u;

z(t) is an auxilliary variable

I think that this might be same as in your example, doesn’t it?

Hi, your equations are good too.
If I am not mistaken, these restrictions are only valid for a maximization problem.

if x=1 y=1
eq_z_firstCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 0;
eq_z_secondCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 2;
so: z=0

if x=1 y=0
eq_z_firstCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 1;
eq_z_secondCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 1;
so: z=1 or z=0 (but for a maximization problem z=1)

if x=0 y=0
eq_z_firstCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 2;
eq_z_secondCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 0;
so: z=0

if x=0 y=1
eq_z_firstCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 1;
eq_z_secondCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 1;
so: z=1 or z=0 (but for a maximization problem z=1)

I think that the so-called “Basic Steps” allow to obtain logical restrictions in a systematic way in a short time.
Best regard!

Thanks Manassaldi for your answers and comments.

Would you mind telling me a little bit more about the “basic step”. Is that a generall principle for modelling absolut values or what exactly does this method aim for?

Hi, the “basic-steps” are steps to transform logical propositions into algebraic equations.
In your problem, i used 4 logical proposition and three booelan variable:

X: boolean variable equivalent to x
Y: boolean variable equivalent to y
Z: boolean variable equivalent to z (abs(x-y))

logical proposition #1: X ^ Y → ¬Z (in logic languaje: X true and Y true implies Z not true)

Now, using the basic steps you can transform the logical proposition #1 into an algebraic equation.
Goal is to Convert Logical Expression into Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)

    ¬(X ^ Y)˅¬Z
    ¬X ˅ ¬Y ˅¬Z
    (not necessary in this case)

¬X ˅ ¬Y ˅¬Z (CNF)
So, you can replace any CNF for a summatory of each term.
Because at least one of a term has to be true, the sumatory has to be greater than 1
¬X equivalent to 1-x
¬Y equivalent to 1-y
¬Z equivalent to 1-z
So, this CNF generate equation “eq2” of my example
1 - x + 1 - y + 1 - z =g= 1;

logical proposition #2: X ^ ¬Y → Z (generate eq1)
logical proposition #2: ¬X ^ ¬Y → ¬Z (generate eq4)
logical proposition #2: ¬X ^ Y → Z (generate eq3)

This is a quick explanation, I hope it will be useful

Best regard!

Thanks again for the answers. Where can I read more about those basic steps? I typed it into google but somehow I could not find useful information about them.

You can find some here (page 14):
Th Basic Steps are simple, the difficult is the manipulation of the propositions.
Best regard!

Hi guys, I have a further question:

I still have not fully understood how to modell the absolute value of a difference in GAMS. I have used the following equations for binary variables for modelling: abs(x(t) - y(t)):
eq_z_firstCondition(t)… z(t) =l= 2 - x(t) - y(t);
eq_z_secondCondition(t)… z(t) =l= x (t) + y(t);

but what if you don’t have binary variables but for example a sum:
abs( (sum(t, x(t))) - (sum(t, y(t))).

How could I model something like that?

Hi guys,

does nobody have a clue? I just want incoorporate the absolute value of:
abs( (sum(t, x(t))) - (sum(t, y(t))) (with x(t) and y(t) being binary variables)

Manassaldi suggest the following for binary variables:

eq1(t).. 1 - x(t)  +    c(t) +    absvalue(t)   =g= 1;
eq2(t).. 1 - x(t)  + 1-c(t) + 1-absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq3(t)..      x(t)  + 1-c(t) +     absvalue(t)  =g= 1;
eq4(t)..      x(t)  +    c(t) +  1- absvalue(t) =g= 1;
eq5..        z =e= sum(t,absvalue(t) )

Let’s say x(t) and c(t) are not binary variables. How would you model the absolute value of the difference between them: abs (x(t)-c(t))?

Hi again PeterBe, I think this can works

x(t) and c(t) are continuous variables
p(t) are binary variables
M is a sufficiently large number (BigM parameter)

if “p=1”, by “eq3” (x-c) is greater than 0 so by “eq1” and “eq2” absvalue = x-c (the rest of equation are also satisfied)
if “p=0”, by “eq6” (x-c) is lower than 0 so by “eq4” and “eq5” absvalue = c-x (the rest of equation are also satisfied)

eq1(t)… absvalue(t) =l= x(t) - c(t) + (1-p(t))*M;
eq2(t)… absvalue(t) =g= x(t) - c(t) - (1-p(t))*M;
eq3(t)… x(t) - c(t) =g= -(1-p(t))*M
eq4(t)… absvalue(t) =l= c(t) - x(t) + p(t)*M;
eq5(t)… absvalue(t) =g= c(t) - x(t) - p(t)*M;
eq6(t)… x(t) - c(t) =l= p(t)*M
eq7… z =e= sum(t,absvalue(t))

All this restrictions are for “z = sum(t,abs(x(t)-c(t)))” with x and c continuous variables


Dear Friend
I’ve Written a MIQCP code which has an absolute value in its constraints and I don’t know how exactly I must write it so that the code works.

here is the constraint:

sum((n,m,t),abs(z(n,m,t) - z(n,m,t+1)) =l= 2*j

the summation basically is based on t (time) and I want this absolute value constraint to work within my code

I’ll be so thankful if you guide me

Best Reards

What kind of variables are z and j?

Z is a binary variable and J is a scalar

actually the Z variable represents a line status (being in circuit or out of it) and J represents the maximum number of lines which can get out of service

I want to use the mentioned constraint to express the maximum number of switching in a system, but I don’t know how to insert it into my codes, so that it works properly.

Hi, this constraints are equivalent to “sum((n,m,t),abs(z(n,m,t) - z(n,m,t+1)) =l= 2*j”
With the command “$” you must decide what happens with the last t

eq1(n,m,t)… 1 - z(n,m,t) + z(n,m,t+1) + absvalue(n,m,t) =g= 1;
eq2(n,m,t)… 1 - z(n,m,t) + 1-z(n,m,t+1) + 1-absvalue(n,m,t) =g= 1;
eq3(n,m,t)… z(n,m,t) + 1-z(n,m,t+1) + absvalue(n,m,t) =g= 1;
eq4(n,m,t)… z(n,m,t) + z(n,m,t+1) + 1-absvalue(n,m,t) =g= 1;
eq5… sum((n,m,t),absvalue(n,m,t)) =l= 2*j;


Thank you so much

Just something I didn’t catch
what did you mean by “$” command?