First of all i wish to tell that i am new in this forum so forgive me for any errors but i really need your help.
I am currently doing my last academic work at the university on a MIP model about planning offloading operations on oil plataforms.
I have a condition in my work i just dont know how to implement in GAMS, it’s like:
IF (capacity of plataform i - stocked oil volume of platform i <= diary production i), THEN ta (i,k)=1
Just explaining a little bit, each platform products a fixed amount of oil and its has a maximum capacity so, when it can not generates more oil, it sstops its production, so the binary variable ta(i,k) becomes 1. I want to force the binary variable to be 1 if that condition is satisfied, otherwise, the binary variable is 0. But if you see the condition depends of a variable (stocked oil volume) because the other two are parameters.
I just dont know how to implement that on a MIP Model.
I wish you guys could help me.