I have model where i want of force that the solution variable x (j) is more than 2. How can I do this without having to specify an equation forcing the variable to be more than 2 for each j ? Currently I only have 4 j indexes but in case I increase my model I do not want to write an equation for each.
Currently I have the following modeled:
table d(j,k) “annual demand for j, intermediate k”
0 1 2
1 4645 5014 8397
2 13631 19734 18219
3 10163 19667 5818
4 22168 6229 1182 ;
positive variable x(j) “number of campaign of j”;
d(‘1’,‘2’)/ x(‘1’)
=g=2 ;
=g=2 ;
d(‘3’,‘2’)/ x(‘3’)
d(‘4’,‘2’)/ x(‘4’)
Thank you, Cheers,
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