I have some problem with my models. The problem is 125 Set is under control already
I don’t understand why I have this error.
My SETS is (i,j,k,p) and my ALIAS is (p,pp,ppp). Others problems are similar in the model.
The erros are in red.
funobj(p,pp,ppp)$(ord(pp) eq ord(p)-1 and ord(pp) gt 0 and ord(ppp) eq ord(p) and ord(ppp) gt 0)…
z =e= (1-lam)MD + lam( (w1*(nvan+pvan)/(vani-vanai)) + (w2*(ncar+pcar)/(cari-carai)) + (w3*(sum(pp, (nvol(pp)+pvol(pp))/(voli-volai)))) + (w4*(sum(ppp, (ndis(ppp)+pdis(ppp))/(disai-disi)))) + (w5*(sum(ppp, (nsup(ppp)+psup(ppp))/(seai-sei)))) ) ;
mindis(P)… sum((i,j,k), d(i,j)*vd(i,j,k,p)/CC) - (sum((i,j,k,p), d(i,j)*vd(i,j,k,p)/CC))/NJ + ndis(p) - pdis(p) =e= 0 ;
contvol(p,pp) $(ord(p) = ord(pp)-1)… sum((i,k), pr(i,k,p)) - sum((i,k,pp), pr(i,k,pp)) + nvol(p) - pvol(p) =e= 0 ;
(in blue error $148)
Please, help me.
PD: sorry for my English.
Regards from Argentina
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