Thanks Renger for your response. I figured out that problem but now I have other problem. I want to transform below equation
x = fc(‘1’,‘H2O’)/f(‘1’)
where x = composition of water in stream 1
fc(‘1’,‘H2O’) = component flow of water in stream 1
f(‘1’) = total flow of stream 1
Also all x,fc and f are variables and i want to transform above equation into linear one. So if you can help me in this regard I will be extremely thankful for your help.
I try to find this in literature, the best I could find is below
x * f(‘1’) = fc(‘1’,‘H2O’)
but above trick is valid only if x is not a variable, however in my case it is variable.
I would also like to mention bounds, if some one needed for solving this problem as x is a ratio so value of x lies between 0 to 1, for f('1) upper bound is 6200
Any suggestions for reformulation?