minimizing with matrix multiply equation

Hi nice day

I want to find out two new matrixes, the multiply is equals to a targeted matrix, with some constraints. simply, LABL * TRANS = LABC
but it doesn’t work, I don’t how to solve this problem.
Infeasible solution. Reduced gradient less than tolerance.

intuitively, it is possible to fine out a new TRANS matrix and a new LABL matrix
I attached the program.

Thank you so much

table TRANS(*,*) 'Initial transition matrix'
           age16    age30    age40     age50      age55     age60      age65
age16      0.8832   0.0980
age30               0.8904   0.0908
age40                        0.8902    0.0910
age50                                  0.8136     0.1676
age55                                             0.9012    0.0800
age60                                                       0.8312     0.1500
age65                                                                  0.9812

TABLE LABC(*,*) 'current labor force'
            age16       age30       age40       age50       age55       age60       age65
AG          11504696    20879486    33032442    27617888    25204116    18159376    31038930
RNAG        31632006    40522724    36984348    19460184    12319074    5045321     4795649
TW          27633640    46727300    44126200    21579504    14213672    6142778     7568303
UUSE        46502620    75094856    63409660    25365292    14757638    3921084     3294623
USE         13534673    21993034    14515002    4652781     2571633     339505      259963
UNEMP       14305205    6482438     6382314     1629428     1076354     313931      270332

TABLE LABL(*,*) 'referred lag labor force'
            age16       age30       age40       age50           age55           age60       age65
AG          12514451    23591213    37345229    32178097        23961087        19883106    31822891
RNAG        38968494    50113696    44729976    23608090        11974334        5770911     5288425
TW          25490302    44283632    39852118    18977018        10273375        5026917     5973636
UUSE        43505452    72160467    57756147    21897625        10798555        2990381     2640615
USE         12685206    21159454    12756145    3775580         1890260         172368      214748
UNEMP       15284422    5786177     6955599     1329738         1009683         283283      261098

LaborLagRAS4.gms (4.06 KB)