Hello All,
I ran a MILP model in CPLEX/GAMS with a lot of binary variables and 4 integer variables.
The results are as follows:
How can I solve the infeasibility of the model.
Iteration: 528309 Dual objective = 318887.212370
Iteration: 531815 Dual objective = 318929.604829
Iteration: 534938 Dual objective = 318975.745926
Removing perturbation.
Using devex.
Primal simplex solved model.
Fixed MIP status(3): infeasible
Cplex Time: 189.61sec (det. 73479.65 ticks)
Final solve did not return an optimal solution.
Returning a primal only solution to GAMS (marginals all set to NA).
Solution satisfies tolerances.
MIP Solution: 1264291.458963 (294626 iterations, 18 nodes)
Best possible: 1251920.190266
Absolute gap: 12371.268697
Relative gap: 0.009785
— Restarting execution
— Untitled_18.gms(4952) 148 Mb
— Reading solution for model thesis16
*** Solver did not provide marginals for model thesis16
— Untitled_18.gms(4952) 333 Mb
— Executing after solve: elapsed 0:14:43.191
— Untitled_18.gms(4989) 334 Mb
*** Status: Normal completion
— Job Untitled_18.gms Stop 08/04/14 14:15:03 elapsed 0:14:43.384
On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 at 3:29:28 PM UTC-4, hossein wrote:
Dear all
After the identification of my model as the infeasible model by GAMS, Cplex tries to solve it again, which is undesirable to me, as follows:
Removing perturbation.
LP status(3): infeasible
Cplex Time: 0.78sec (det. 372.14 ticks)
Dual infeasible or unbounded. Switching to primal to aid diagnosis.
Tried aggregator 1 time.
LP Presolve eliminated 304797 rows and 302399 columns.
Aggregator did 964 substitutions.
Reduced LP has 1205 rows, 1717 columns, and 6116 nonzeros.
Presolve time = 0.25 sec. (92.91 ticks)
Using devex.
Iteration log . . .
Iteration: 1 Scaled infeas = 38.509142
Iteration: 158 Scaled infeas = 14.912938
LP status(3): infeasible
Cplex Time: 0.81sec (det. 408.69 ticks)
Model has been proven infeasible.
I tied to disable the ‘Switching to primal to aid diagnosis’ step by commands as follows:
putclose opts /‘rerun = NO’ /‘feasopt = NO’;
But noting was changed. Can anyone help me to remove this step?
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