So I am trying to use the EMP framework to solve a GNEP. JAMS returns the following error code:
— Returning from GAMS step
*** JAMS GAMS job failed
*** JAMS Msg: Impossible return code
*** JAMS Exe: gams G:\My Drive\225a\emp.dat
*** JAMS pf G:\My Drive\225a\emppf.dat
*** JAMS Please report to and capture the file support
Now, using the “Terminate” option, I run the emp.gms file generated by JAMS (the reformulated problem), and it works fine (using PATH). So I am bit confused as to why JAMS returns the error message. The ZipDebug file also does not contain much information as to what might be the issue. I am attaching here the code (ready to run) and the option file I use for JAMS (change the extension to .op2). My release:
GAMSIDE build 4f23b21 / 4f23b21
GAMS Release 33.2.0 r4f23b21 WEX-WEI x86 64bit/MS Windows
Thank you for your help.
jams.txt (31 Bytes)
Nash.gms (3.3 KB)