Iterative optimization

Hi, i’m trying to face this problem.
i’ve done a model for SoE management of a Battery Energy Storage System.
up to now, i run it for, let’s say, 24h period with a 1h time step.
is it possible to move from this problem to an other in which i perform not 1 simultaion of 24h but 24 simulations of 1h?
as you can immagine, i have to update some parameters between the optimizations (like the initial SoE); is it possible?
moreover, i would like to have a report for each iteration (so 24 reports for each of the 1h-step iterations). is it possible?

thank you

It can be done. Please take a look at rolling horizon optimization.

In terms of GAMS, you can create a model for one period and solve it using ‘loop’. In each loop, you can change relevant parameters, fix variables, use any relevant information using previous solve statements. At the end of this run, you will see output for each run in the .lst file.

  • Atharv