Iterative modeling GAMS

Hello to all,
I have written a GAMS code in DEA literature, but I have some problems.
in my code I need to for one of the parameters (called: Gama), which will increased from 0 to 5 by a step length (for example 0.1), the model be implemented for each Gama and the results are presented to excel file in different sheets. Please help me to I can solve these problems.
My code is attached.
Gams-Forum.gms (1.89 KB)

Not sure if you were looking for this solution, but you can just use a for loop around your solve that iterates a range of gama values:

for (gamax=0 to 5 by 0.5,
gama = gamax;
Solve  Rmodel using LP Minimizing eff;

The entire model is attached.

forloop.gms (1.96 KB)