I need to calculate the volume of a tree by integrating the “taper” function below. I did this code in R, and it works well, but now that I am trying to code it in GAMS I cannot find a way of doing that.
How do we calculate integrals in GAMS?
Any suggestions?
midh ← 13.5
midd ← 15.1
taper1 ← function(midh){
taper2 ← function(midd){
tFactorSBD ← 1.3/midh
qFactorSBD ← (0/100)/midh
YFactorSBD ← (1-qFactorSBD^0.5)/(1-tFactorSBD^0.5)
aux1SBD ← 0.6624965*(YFactorSBD^0.1)+ 0.3781478*(qFactorSBD^4)
aux2SBD ← -0.4418430asin(1-sqrt(qFactorSBD))
aux3SBD ← -0.5154988/exp(midd/midh)
aux4SBD ← 0.0197963midd^YFactorSBD
ExpFactorSBD ← aux1SBD+ aux2SBD+ aux3SBD+ aux4SBD
diam ← 0.8795844*(midd^0.9457765)(midh^0.1061692)(YFactorSBD^ExpFactorSBD)
area<- pi*((diam/2)^2)/10000
volume<- function(midh){
integrate(taper1(midh), lower = 0,upper = midh)$value