Dear GAMS Gentlemen:
Good day. I need you assistance with this model, i.e. the
numerical formulae,please:
Objective Function Alternatives:
Maximize total production:
Max: ∑ ∑ Xij Pij,
i j
Minimize unit cost:
Min: ∑ ∑ Xij Pij Cij/ ∑ ∑ XijPij,
i j i j
Maximize total cost margin:
Max: ∑ ∑ Xij Pij ( D - Cij)
i j
where i is the index denoting the ith shovel location, j is the index
denoting the jth truck type, Xij is the number of trucks of type j
assigned to shovel i, Pij is the tonnage produced per period by truck
j and shovel i, Cij is the cost/ton of materials handling by trucks j
and shovel i, and D is the average sales price of a ton of material.
General Constraints :
Total number of trucks of type j:
∑ Xij = Li ( i=1,2,…,m)
where n is the total number of trucks types, m is the total number of
shovels, Tj is the total number of trucks of type j available; Si is
the shovel capacity at location i; fi is a factor which controls the
maximum truck capacity as compared to the shovel capacity, and Li is
the desired minimum production from location i.
Integer Constraints:
Xij = 0,1,2,3,… for all i and j.
Luis O. Ramirez
Daud_Pariseau1975a.pdf (174 KB)