Inline evaluation question v21.5


Using gams v21.5

Is there a way to get inline evaluation (correct term?) of a parameter
so I can use the value of that parameter to do things like set a
global value or in a set declaration.

As a dummy example:

parameter myValues(*);
myValues(“1”) = 10;
myValues(“2”) = 20;
myValues(“3”) = 30;

$setglobal g_ten myValues(“1”);
set sTwentyToThirty
/ myValues(“2”) * myValues(“3”) /;

If this is not possible how do I get around this?

I tried using $batinclude but it is passing “myValues(“1”)” etc at %1,
%2 %3 and not the value stored in myValues(“1”)


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You cannot use runtime data like myValues to change compile time
behavior of GAMS. The GAMS way is to have a superset

set s / 1*100/

and then define the sets like sTwentyToThirty as dynamic sets:

set sTwentyToThirty(s);
set sTwentyToThirty(s) = myValues(“2”) wrote:


Using gams v21.5

Is there a way to get inline evaluation (correct term?) of a parameter
so I can use the value of that parameter to do things like set a
global value or in a set declaration.

As a dummy example:

parameter myValues(*);
myValues(“1”) = 10;
myValues(“2”) = 20;
myValues(“3”) = 30;

$setglobal g_ten myValues(“1”);
set sTwentyToThirty
/ myValues(“2”) * myValues(“3”) /;

If this is not possible how do I get around this?

I tried using $batinclude but it is passing “myValues(“1”)” etc at %1,
%2 %3 and not the value stored in myValues(“1”)

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